Ильичёв, Александр Владимирович,Мальдов, Дмитрий Григорьевич
The group of inventions relates to the field of biological chemistry and can be used to obtain protein preparations from organic material that can be used in medicine to reduce immunity in transplantation, to treat endometriosis, some oncological diseases, and also in veterinary medicine. According to the method of obtaining a follicular protein preparation, the follicular liquid of cattle is collected, cooled and centrifuged after cooling to obtain a supernatant, mixed with cooled acetone, defend the mixture obtained, after which it is lyophilized and purified by repeated centrifugation to obtain a lyophilized product which is dissolved the buffer obtained suspension is centrifuged at 8000-10000 rpm for 15-30 minutes to obtain the supernatant, which is shared by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-sepharose, an eluate is collected which is released at a concentration of NaCl in the elution solution from 0.11 to 0.19 M, which is dialyzed against water for at least 8 hours, to obtain a preparation. The follicular protein preparation is obtained from bovine follicular fluid. The preparation contains serum albumin and the protein of the TGF-β family, which has immunospecificity of inhibin βA, in the following ratio of their components, in wt.%: The protein of the TGF-β family, which has immunospecificity of inhibin βA - 0.00005-3.0; serum albumin - the rest.Группа изобретений относится к области биологической химии и может найти применение для получения из органического материала белковых препаратов, которые могут быть использованы в медицине для снижения иммунитета при трансплантологии, лечения эндометриоза, некоторых онкологических заболеваний, а также в ветеринарии. Согласно способа получения фолликулярного белкового препарата отбирают фолликулярную жидкость крупного рогатого скота, охлаждают ее и после охлаждения центрифугируют, получая супернатант, смешивают его с охлажденным ацетоном, отстаивают полученную смесь, после чего ее лиофильно высушивают и очищают повто