The present invention is related to a method and an apparatus for blood pressure measurement and a noise eliminating unit applying to a blood pressure measurement apparatus. The noise eliminating unit comprises a body and the body comprises a chamber and a channel connected to the chamber by turns. Since the noise eliminating unit connected to a motor and a cuff of the blood pressure measurement apparatus, the noise caused by the motor is eliminating by the noise eliminating unit whereby blood pressure value can be detected during inflating. It can avoid a disadvantage of over inflation and achieve to a shot detecting time goal.本發明相關於一種血壓量測裝置及方法和使用於血壓量測裝置之雜訊消除單元。該雜訊消除單元係包括一主體,該主體包括一腔體以及一微小通道與該腔體交替連接,藉由將該雜訊消除單元設於血壓量測裝置的馬達與薄袋間而降低馬達所產生的雜訊,因而可於充氣加壓過程中偵測血壓值,達到縮短時間且避免加壓過高的缺失。(10)...薄袋(20)...壓力感測單元(50)...馬達(60)...洩氣閥(100)...雜訊消除單元