Embodiments of the present invention include metabolic syndrome, obesity, headache, depression, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, Cushing syndrome, pseudo-Cushing syndrome, cognitive dysfunction, dementia, heart failure, renal failure, psoriasis, glaucoma, cardiovascular disease The present invention relates to a novel cytochrome P450 inhibitor and a pharmaceutical composition thereof having a disease-modifying action in the treatment of diseases associated with the production of cortisol, including cancer, stroke or incidental tumor.本発明の実施形態は、代謝症候群、肥満症、頭痛、うつ病、高血圧症、真性糖尿病、クッシング症候群、偽クッシング症候群、認知機能障害、認知症、心不全、腎不全、乾癬、緑内障、心血管疾患、がん、脳卒中又は偶発腫を含めた、コルチゾールの産生と関連する疾患の処置において疾患修飾作用を有する、新規なチトクロムP450阻害剤及びその医薬組成物に関する。