Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Научно-исследовательский институт комплексных проблем гигиены и профессиональных заболеваний" Сибирского отделения РАМН (RU)
Шумейко Надежда Ивановна (RU),Флейшман Арнольд Наумович (RU)
A method of predicting the level adaptation rescuers to individual protective equipment (ISIZ) comprising professional selection with physiological studies - recording of electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), characterized in that it additionally performed record EEG using ISIZ and after removal ISIZ, and the study of heart rate variability (HRV) using the frequency-amplitude spectrum of the Fourier analysis: VLF with the oscillation frequency in the range 0,0033-0,04 Hz, LF - a frequency 0.05-0.15 Hz and HF - with a frequency of 0,16-0,80 Hz performing functional tests, in which the recorded HRV: in the initial state prior to use ISIZ using ISIZ for 20 min after bicycle exercise (VEM) ISIZ load for 5 minutes, 60 watts power with recording an ECG finding ISIZ in 1-2 hours after removal ISIZ HRV study was performed on 5 stages examination: in the initial resting position, when the mental load, in recovery from mental load at hyperventilation during the period of recovery after hyperventilation the detection at any stage pulse study over 100 beats / min, reducing the approximate entropy of less than 180, increased frequency of alpha rhythm to 12 c / s and the appearance of paroxysmal activity on EEG, increase LF more than 16 points set predominance of the sympathetic nervous system or the detection at any stage pulse research less than 60 beats / min, increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg, an increase of greater than 130 points VLF, HF increase more than 16 points by EEG - reducing the amplitude of the alpha rhythm is set less than 25 microvolts dominatedСпособ прогнозирования уровня адаптации горноспасателей к индивидуальным средствам защиты (ИСИЗ), включающий в себя профессиональный отбор с физиологическими исследованиями - регистрацией электроэнцефалограммы (ЭЭГ), электрокардиограммы (ЭКГ), отличающийся тем, что дополнительно проводят запись фоновой ЭЭГ при использовании ИСИЗ и после снятия ИСИЗ, а также исследование вариабельности ритма сердц