Gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie zdravookhraneniya "Nauchno-issledovatelskij institut - kraevaya klinicheskaya bolnitsa N 1 imeni professora S.V. Ochapovskogo" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya K
Bogdanov Sergej Borisovich (RU),Богданов Сергей Борисович (RU),Polyakov Andrej Vladimirovich (RU),Поляков Андрей Владимирович (RU),Marchenko Denis Nikolaevich (RU),Марченко Денис Николаевич (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medical equipment, namely to a vacuum dressing application method. Method implies immobilizing an upper limb in a position of bringing the shoulder to the body and bending in the elbow joint. Method involves a stage of applying a vacuum patch on the body and an upper extremity. Spongy wound coating of the vacuum dressing is applied on the body along the wound contour, and the spongy wound coating of the vacuum bandage is applied to the wound of the upper extremity simultaneously, or the wound of the upper extremity is circularly bandaged with Kerlix AMD gauze of Lohmann & Rauscher. After bringing the upper limb to the body from above, the film is tightly glued with a single block on the body and upper extremity. On the film, an incision is made in front or in the back between the shoulder and a body to fix one drain tube-connector on the area, which is fixed on the film in front or behind between the shoulder and body and connected by means of a connecting hose to the apparatus for vacuum therapy of wounds.EFFECT: technical result is immobilisation of the upper extremity by fixing it to the body, reducing the risk of purulent complications, enabling the patient to lie on the wound surfaces, reducing the cost of treatment, increased area of vacuum dressing application, acceleration of preparation of wounds to plastic closure and engraftment of skin grafts, improved functional results of surgical treatment.3 cl, 8 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к способу наложения вакуумной повязки. Способ подразумевает включающий иммобилизацию верхней конечности в положении приведения плеча к туловищу и сгибания в локтевом суставе. Способ содержит этап наложения вакуумной повязки на туловище и верхнюю конечность. На туловище по контуру ран накладывают губчатое раневое покрытие вакуумной повязки и одномоментно на раны верхней конечности циркулярно накладывают губчатое раневое покрытие вакуумной повязки или раны в