A configurable oxygen concentrator for providing variousflow rates and volumes of concentrated oxygen to a patient includes anelectro-mechanical assembly having a housing with a first face, a secondface and an outer surface. The oxygen concentrator also includes a firstbattery, a second battery, a first adsorbent container and a secondadsorbent container. The first and second batteries are removably mountable tothe first face and the first and second adsorbent containers are removablymountable to the second face to permit modification of the concentratedoxygen capacity and operating life of the concentrator as the patientprogressesthrough different stages of a breathing disease. The first battery hasa first battery capacity that is less than a second battery capacity of thesecond battery. The first adsorbent container has a first adsorbent capacitythatis less than a second adsorbent capacity of the second adsorbent container.