1. A system, comprising: a bone lengthening device, the first transponder and the second transponder, the transponders are connected to the bone lengthening device and are spaced from each other along the length of the bone lengthening device, each transponder is configured to transmit a radio frequency signal in response to a request signal ischityvayuschee device comprising: an RF transceiver configured to transmit the request signal and to detect the response signals from the first and second transponderovodno or more devices, the iodine or more memory command storage processing, executed by one or more data processing devices, with the aim of encouraging them (and ) to perform processes comprising: a transceiver to urge the transfer request signal and detecting response signals from first and second transponders opred Leniye delay between transmission of the request signal and the detection of response signals from first and second transponders, and determining the distance, measured on the basis zaderzhek.2 transponders. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that said processes further comprise: accessing stored distance indicators, determining a difference between the determined distance and the stored distance and displaying the difference on the interface polzovatelya.3. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the bone lengthening device is a telescopic intramedullary sterzhnem.4. A system according to claim 1, characterized in that the first transponder is a passive RFID tag and the second tag is a passive transponder and a radio frequency1. Система, содержащая:устройство удлинения костипервый транспондер и второй транспондер, при этом транспондеры соединены с устройством удлинения кости и расположены на расстоянии друг от друга вдоль длины устройства удлинения кости, причем каждый из транспондеров выполнен с возможностью передавать радиочастотный сигнал в ответ на сигнал запроса исчитывающее устройство, содержащее:радиочастотный