A dental all-ceramic restoration and manufacturing method thereof; the outer surface of the dental all-ceramic restoration has no connection point of a support column (7) and no local abrasion or crack, and has a bright and clean surface and a uniform and coherent structure. The manufacturing method of the dental all-ceramic restoration can be a wet forming method or a milling-grinding forming method. A dental all-ceramic restoration body (3) does not need to be connected and fixed to a surrounding model material block (1) or a ceramic block via a support column in the manufacturing process, thus avoiding manual grinding of the support column (7) for separation of a formed restoration and a surrounding ceramic block, and avoiding conducting a polishing process on the outer surface of the restoration made excessively rough as a result of grinding the support column (7), thus reducing the risk of cracks and premature fracture failure of the restoration. When a ceramic hard biscuit (2) for milling machining is manufactured by employing a wet forming process, the microstructure thereof is more uniform than a ceramic block manufactured via dry pressing forming and partial sintering. The dental all-ceramic restoration has a high degree of surface finish, and can be directly used without polishing or glazing and veneering ceramic.Font l'objet de cette invention une prothèse dentaire en céramique et son procédé de fabrication. La surface externe de la prothèse dentaire en céramique présente un point de connexion pour colonne de support (7), sans rupture ni abrasion locale, avec une bonne finition de surface et une structure uniforme. Le procédé de fabrication de la prothèse dentaire en céramique est, selon une variante, un procédé de formation par voie humide, selon une autre variante, un procédé de formation par broyage, au cours duquel le montant de support n'a pas à fixer la prothèse dentaire en céramique (3) au bloc de moule enveloppant (1) ou au bloc en céramique, et c