Pre-reconstruction calibration, data correction, and material decomposition method and apparatus for photon-counting spectrally-resolving X-ray detectors and X-ray imaging
An apparatus and method of processing X-ray projection data obtained using photon-counting detectors and having multiple spectral components. The processing of the projection data includes correcting for nonlinear detector response, where the detector response model includes: pileup, ballistic deficit effects, polar effects, and characteristic X-ray escape. The processing of the projection data also includes a material decomposition mapping the projection data from spectral components into material components corresponding to high-Z and low-Z materials. The material decomposition includes a noise balancing process where the allocation of spectral components between a high-energy and a low-energy combination of spectral components is adjusted such that both high- and low-energy components have signal-to-noise ratios of similar magnitude. For computed tomography (CT) applications, material decomposition can be followed by image reconstruction and then image post-processing and presentation. For non-CT applications, material decomposition can be followed by image post-processing and presentation.