A packaged terminal device for heating an affected area, comprising: a housingconfigured to be positioned at least partially within an affected area a fanpositionedwithin the housing, the fan operable to draw a flow of air from the affectedarea into thehousing a heating element positioned within the housing to generate heatedair and acontrol unit operable to control the operation of the heating element to causethepackaged terminal device to operate in either a first mode or a second mode.In the firstmode, the operation of the heating element is controlled such that sufficientheated air isgenerated to heat at least a portion of the affected area to a temperatureless than or equalto 90 degrees Fahrenheit. In the second mode, the operation of the heatingelement iscontrolled such that sufficient heated air is generated to heat at least aportion of theaffected area to a temperature greater than or equal to 120 degreesFahrenheit.