The present disclosure is generally related to a method of mitigating ortreating braindysfunction. More specifically, the method relates to a method of stimulatingneuroplasticity in brain tissue including a method of stimulatingneuroplasticity inrelatively healthy brain tissue and driving the neuroplasticity to improve orenhancefunction in adjacent, anatomically-related, or otherwise associateddysfunctional braintissue. The relatively healthy brain tissue is associated with suitablyfunctioning brainfunctions, which may be used as brain tools. Non-healthy or dysfunction braintissuemeans that it is not functioning to the normally expected standard and wouldbeassociated with target brain functions. Once the target brain functions havebeenidentified, brain tools are chosen and from there, sensorimotor stimuli areselected. Amethod for measuring a neurological disorder is also disclosed, whereinquestionsassociated with brain functions are answered. These results are then comparedto abaseline or previous results.