The invention relates to combined liposuction methods and can be used in surgical interventions to remove local fat deposits in the lower third of the face and neck. The method includes a preoperative examination of the patient when one or more areas of the lower third of the face and neck of the patient are designated as liposuction areas constituting the operative field. The contour boundaries of the operative field and at least one operative access point are determined. Uniform infiltration anesthesia of the adipose tissue to be removed in the liposuction areas is performed. From a Nd:YAG laser radiation source with a wavelength of 1064 nm, a Nd:YAG laser radiation with a wavelength of 1064 nm in a pulsed mode with a frequency of 50 Hz, with a pulse duration of 300 μs and a power of the predetermined value is supplied directly to the adipose tissue to be removed.