The present invention is related to a Chinese bayberry cheese bakery food which includes a bread, multiple cheese, multiple pumpkin seeds and multiple Chinese bayberries. The bakery food contains dairy and the dairy contains calcium the cheese contain calcium the pumpkin seeds contain magnesium and the Chinese bayberries contain myricetin. The ratio of calcium and magnesium is suitable for human absorption and myricetin promotes the formation of osteoblast. Therefore the Chinese bayberry cheese bakery food provides necessary nutrition and reduces risk of osteoporosis.本發明係有關於一種楊梅乳酪烘焙食品,其包含一烘焙食品本體、乳酪、複數個南瓜子以及複數個楊梅果實,其中該烘焙食品本體係為麵包、蛋糕或酥餅,該烘焙食品係含有乳製品,該乳製品、乳酪係含有鈣;該等南瓜子係含有鎂;該等楊梅果實係含有楊梅素,該乳酪、南瓜子以及楊梅果實係與該烘焙食品本體相互結合,其中該楊梅乳酪烘焙食品之鈣與鎂含量之重量比為3比1以及楊梅素含量至少為300毫克,其中鈣與鎂的比例係為最適人體吸收的比例,且楊梅素可刺激人體成骨細胞分化進而預防骨質疏鬆症之功效。