The Invention discloses Drying Systems and drying processes, designed particularly for drying grains efficiently.The Grain Drying System of the invention comprises a Drying Machine comprising a rotor which is characterized by containing Thermal panels and an efficient design that allows the CircUlación Air.Alternatively, the Grain Drying system is composed of a rotor, which comprises a Drying Thermal panels and efficient System of Air movementWith a rotor of the rest empty grains.The Invention also relates to a GRAIN Drying process includes a step in which a rotor formed by Drying Thermal panels and an efficient air circulation, and,Optionally, a Second resting stage in vacuum in a vacuum rotor Rest, where the first and second stages Alternate One, two, three or more times as required.In general,Systems and processes disclosed in the invention involve elements and Stages that allow to Dry the Grain by the Controlled Heating of the Grain by exposure to electromagnetic radiationAnd efficient Flow of Air, or through multiple stages which include the Controlled Heating of the Grain by exposure to electromagnetic radiation and efficient Flow of AirThe rest of the Grains, VacuumAnd a New stage of Controlled Heating of the Grain by exposure to electromagnetic radiation and efficient Flow of Air having a high time efficiency without DryingTo alter the structure of the grains and the generation of Pollutants, since the system does not require fossil fuels for its operation.La invención revela sistemas de secado y procesos de secado, diseñados particularmente para secar granos de manera eficiente. El sistema de secado de granos de la invención comprende una máquina conformada por un rotor de secado que se caracteriza por contener paneles térmicos y tener un diseño eficiente que permite la circulación de aire. De manera alternativa, el sistema de secado de granos está conformado por un rotor de secado que comprende paneles térmicos y un sistema eficiente de circulación de aire