An ultrasound catheter (130) for disrupting occlusions in blood vessels can be guiadodesde an access site in the body of a patient to a target site adjacent an occlusion, comprising elcatéter ultrasound: a body of elongate flexible catheter (136 ) having a proximal portion, a distal portion and at least one lumen (21), wherein the proximal portion is stiffer than the distal portion and the distal portion is more flexible near distal unextremo the catheter body near the proximal portion of the catheter body a transmission member ultrasound (138) extending longitudinally through the body lumen decatéter (136) and having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the member deultrasonidos transmission (138) is more flexible near its distal end near the proximal end a distal head (131) coupled to the distal end of the ultrasound transmission member (138) and dispuestoadyacente the distal end of the catheter body (136) and at least one coupling member (52) for coupling the transmission member ultrasound (138) with unafuente ultrasonic energy, including the distal head (131) an opening guide wire in a center of a distal end of the head distal (131) and guidewire lumen (135) extending through the distal head characterized in that the light guide cable (135) having an axis longitudinaldiferente a longitudinal axis of the catheter body tilting light guide cable (135) away from ejelongitudinal catheter body (136).Un catéter de ultrasonidos (130) para fragmentar oclusiones en los vasos sanguíneos que puede ser guiadodesde un sitio de acceso en el cuerpo de un paciente a un sitio objetivo adyacente a una oclusión, comprendiendo elcatéter de ultrasonidos: un cuerpo de catéter alargado flexible (136) que tiene una porción proximal, una porción distal y al menos una luz(21), en el que la porción proximal es más rígida que la porción distal, y la porción distal es más flexible cerca de unextremo distal del cuerpo de catéter que cerca de la porción proximal del cuerpo de catéter un mi