The invention relates to a physiological sensing device and a method thereof, which are measured by a human neck artery, and the main method is to measure the physiological state by the vibration generated by the human neck artery, or to change the blood flow of the human neck artery. Measuring the physiological state; the main component is attached to the neck around by the neck attachment module with the liquid unit. When the human neck artery indirectly causes a slight vibration due to the heartbeat, it is attached to the human neck artery. After the liquid unit receives a slight vibration, a pressure change is generated inside the liquid unit, and the pressure measuring unit immersed in the liquid unit measures the change of the liquid pressure under the power supply of the power unit, and the analyzing unit according to the liquid pressure The change infers the physiological state of the human body.本發明係有關一種生理感測裝置及其方法,其為以人體頸部動脈為量測標的,主要手段以人體頸部動脈產生之振動量測生理狀態,或依人體頸部動脈血流脈動變化量測生理狀態;主要構成由裝有液體單元的頸部貼附模組貼附於頸部周遭,當人體頸部動脈因心臟跳動間接產生輕微震動,此時貼附於人體頸部動脈上之該液體單元接受輕微震動後,該液體單元內部產生壓力變化,涵浸於該液體單元中之該壓力量測單元在該電力單元供電情況下量測到液體壓力變化,該分析單元依該液體壓力變化推論人體生理狀態。