chimeric gene, vector, process of transformation of plants to make them tolerant to two herbicides, process of obtaining plants with herbicide tolerance and process of herbicide treatment.
<;b>; "chimeric gene, vector, plant cell, plant, plant transformation process to make them tolerant to at least two herbicides, herbicide tolerant plant breeding process and herbicidal treatment process". The present invention relates to a chimeric gene having various herbicide tolerance, plant cell and plant tolerant genes, and various herbicides. 2. the plant is both tolerant and diverse herbicides, in particular to hppd and epsps inhibitors and / or dialogenohydroxy nitriles. 3. Use for the removal of herbs from plants with various herbicides.<;b>; "gene quimérico, vetor, célula vegetal, planta, processo de transformação das plantas para torná-las tolerantes a pelo menos dois herbicidas, processo de obtenção das plantas com tolerância herbicida e processo de tratamento herbicida". a presente invenção refere-se a 1. gene quimérico com diversos genes de tolerância herbicida, célula vegetal e planta tolerante e diversos herbicidas. 2. a planta é ao mesmo tempo tolerante e diversos herbicidas, em particular aos inibidores da hppd e aos do epsps e/ou às dialogenohidroxi-nitrilas. 3. ulitilização para a remoção de ervas de plantas com diversos herbicidas.