The present invention provides apparatus and methods for performing endoscopic mucosalresection and endoscopic submucosal dissection of tissue. In a first embodiment,a hood member having a hood portion and a lever portion is provided. The hood portionis adapted to be disposed over a distal region of an endoscope. A portion of thelever portion is configured to be inserted beneath a section of mucosal tissuehaving a lesion, and the lever portion is configured to be rotated or otherwisemaneuvered to lift the mucosal tissue in an upward direction, thereby facilitatingremoval of the tissue comprising the lesion. Optionally, a surgeon may advancea needle knife through the endoscope and lever portion to further incise submucosaltissue while the lever portion is disposed beneath the lesion. If desired, a flushingfluid may be provided to a target site during the procedure.