The invention relates to a greenhouse-glasshouse structure which is a system for plant growing in a protected space, made of bent metal pipes arranged in the shape of a tunnel extended at its ends by two technical installation rooms, for producing hot-cold ambient, fans and draught chimneys for producing and discharging air streams, the entire structure being covered with transparent foil. According to the invention, the structure consists of bent metal pipes (1) driven into the soil, fixed on the ridge and sidewise with some metal conduits (15) wherethrough hot water circulates for melting the snow accumulated on top of the building, the resulting water being collected by a trough placed on the soil along the structure length and stored in some polyethylene containers (12) by using a pump with absorption from a collector and subsequently used for plant irrigation, it has a ceiling (2) made of non-woven polyethylene cloth located at 1/3 of the structure height from its ridge, and, in the vertical plane, a wall (3) of transparent polyethylene foil is mounted perpendicular to the ceiling (2), lengthwise the structure, to separate it and to form two symmetrical tunnels for circulation and discharge of hot air from the ridge, connected to two draught chimneys (4), the hot air discharge being amplified by two fans (5), where the chimneys (4) and the fans (5) are placed in the technical room, the structure also comprising some polyethylene pipes (6) located under the ground, between the plant rows, wherethrough hot water circulates, while above the soil there are some metal pipes (7) wherethrough hot water circulates in order to maintain an optimal environment temperature, and on the said pipes some roller carriages are mounted for the transport of materials and products, the structure being also provided at the entrance end with an insect-control net and a technical room in which there are a thermal power station (9) and a cold air generator (10).Invenţia se referă la o