Gong Open with what puts the Drug object Chu Cun of Drug object Elixirs type Ji Hair Fang Installed is set Xiang Huan person Hair. Suo Shu Hair Fang Installed set including Yong Yu Lock determine that the Knitting Cheng Installed sets can Knitting Cheng Lock determine the identity of characteristic , And Neng Enough Inspection Measuring Households. Mono- step of this Hair Ming Jin, which provides Tong Over Mining, is set Yong this Hair Ming Hair Fang Installed and puts the method that Drug Wu Yi Jin row controls Treatment to controlling Treatment Right Xiang Hair.公開了用於向患者發放藥物劑型的藥物儲存及發放裝置。所述發放裝置包括用於鎖定所述編程裝置的可編程鎖定特徵,並能夠檢測用戶的身份。本發明進一步提供了通過採用本發明的發放裝置向治療對象發放藥物以進行治療的方法。