The present invention is a cause of the disease, such as a cold or hay fever, influenza dust and pollen, bacteria, Rinse the foreign substances such as viruses, easy to everyone, easy to use, pain is less, to provide a nasal wash bottle that you can in a short period of time. An alphabet "J" or, a bottle 1 having the elasticity of the cap and such as polyethylene resin with a nozzle that was integrally combining the nozzle 3 to cap 2 was upside down shape of hiragana "tooth" but constitute a nasal wash bottle that can be removable in a rotary opening and closing plugs. When you inserted earlier in the tip of the round nozzle 3 to nostril, curve of the nozzle 3 prevents the nasal cavity enter deeply, and pressing gently nostrils, to become instead a stopper, can nasal washing.BACKGROUND 3【課題】風邪や花粉症・インフルエンザ等の病気の原因となる埃や花粉・細菌・ウィルスなどの異物を洗い流し、誰にでも簡単に、使い易く、苦痛が少なく、短時間でできる鼻腔洗浄ボトルを提供する。【解決手段】アルファベッド「J」もしくは、ひらがな「し」の字形を逆さまにしたノズル3をキャップ2に一体合成させたノズル付キャップとポリエチレン樹脂等の弾力性のあるボトル1とが、回転式開閉詮で着脱できる鼻腔洗浄ボトルを構成している。先の丸いノズル3の先端を鼻孔に挿入する時、ノズル3のカーブは鼻腔深く入るのを防ぎ、鼻孔をやさしく押し付け、ストッパー代わりになって、鼻腔洗浄ができる。【選択図】図3