abstract the invention provides a method for treating viral infections and coinfections through the use of inhibitory agents that prevent a unique viral structural protein motifs from binding to host proteins from the clathrin adapter proteins family and subsequently preventing viral replication. _____________________________________________ translation summary abstract patent: "methods and compositions for the treatment of viral diseases". The invention provides a method for treating viral infections and co-infections through the use of inhibitory agents that prevent motifs of an odd viral structural protein from binding to host proteins from the clathrin-adaptive protein family and subsequently prevent viral replication.abstract the invention provides a method for treating viral infections and coinfections through the use of inhibitory agents that prevent a unique viral structural protein motifs from binding to host proteins from the clathrin adaptor proteins family and subsequently preventing viral replication. _____________________________________________ tradução resumo resumo patente de invenção: "métodos e composições para o tratamento de doenças virais". a invenção oferece um método para o tratamento de infecções e coinfecções virais através do uso de agentes inibitórios que impedem que motivos de uma proteína estrutural viral ímpar se liguem a proteínas hospedeiras provenientes da família de proteínas adaptadoras de clatrina e subsequentemente previnem a replicação viral.