An intraocular lens (IOL) transfer case for transferring an IOL to an injection cartridge includes a lens holder for holding the IOL. The lens holder includes a bore. Folding members within the lens holder are configured to fold the IOL into a partially folded position when the IOL is slid through the bore across the folding members. The IOL transfer case also includes an interface configured to removably connect to an injection cartridge. The interface is positioned to deliver the IOL in the partially folded position within the injection cartridge when the interface is connected to the injection cartridge. The IOL transfer case also includes a plunger connected to the lens holder and configured to push the IOL in the partially folded position through the bore to deliver the IOL into the injection cartridge.一用於輸送一IOL至一注入匣的眼內水晶體(IOL)輸送盒,其包括一用於容納該IOL的水晶體架。該水晶體架包括一孔。在該水晶體架內的折疊元件被裝配當該IOL經由該孔穿過該等折疊元件時,折疊該IOL成為一被部分地折疊的狀態。該IOL輸送盒亦包括一被裝配以可移動地連接至一注入匣的接口。當該接口被連接至該注入匣時,該接口被放置以遞送該呈部分地折疊的狀態的IOL在該注入匣內。該IOL輸送盒亦包括一被連接至該水晶體架並且被裝配以推動該呈被部分地折疊的狀態的IOL通過該孔以遞送該IOL至該注入匣內的柱塞。100...水晶體輸送盒102...水晶體架104...孔106...柱塞108...折疊元件110...窄區域112...拇指滑件114...接口200...眼內水晶體204...鏡腳