Until recently, offer the medicine in order influence to the human body is little in comparison with technology, can treat at the same time limiting to the system and the cell of specification of the rice plant family plant, to make the nuclear chromosome of the rice plant family plant double. The medicine in order saikurin dependant kinase B2 (CDKB2) at least array of portion of the base array which the code is done, or, the base array which aforementioned CDKB2 the code is done and includes the nuclear acid to which at least part includes complimentary array to make the nuclear chromosome of the rice plant family plant double as the active ingredient.従来技術と比べて人体への影響が少なく、かつイネ科植物の特定の組織や細胞に限定して処理できる、イネ科植物の核内の染色体を倍加させるための薬剤を提供すること。サイクリン依存性キナーゼB2(CDKB2)をコードする塩基配列の少なくとも一部の配列、又は、前記CDKB2をコードする塩基配列と少なくとも一部が相補的な配列を含む核酸を有効成分として含む、イネ科植物の核内の染色体を倍加させるための薬剤。