Postpartum uterine atony, with life-threatening bleeding, and infections of the endometrium following abortion or birth, can be treated using vacuum therapy. There are no existing drainage systems or vacuum pumps that are suitable for intrauterine therapy. As yet, no intrauterine treatment applications of vacuum therapy have been described. The invention relates to a drainage system and electronic vacuum pump which can be used for intrauterine therapy. An open-pored fluid collection body (1) with a tube-shaped fluid communication element (2) is connected fluid-conductively to an electric vacuum pump (4) via a secretion collection tank (3). For transvaginal placement, the fluid collection body (1) is equipped with a cylindrical cavity (1a) in which a guide rod (5) is inserted, on which guide rod a pusher sleeve (6) can be pushed forward. After placement in the uterus, a vacuum is applied to the drainage system with a contraction pattern similar to labour contractions or postpartum contractions. In the case of a postpartum atony of the uterus, the invention should bring the uterus to contract using the intrauterine vacuum, by imitating and initiating a contraction on the part of the uterus, and thus induce the necessary haemostasis. In the case of infection of the endometrium, the therapy serves for wound healing.