1. bidirectional gas flow generating system, the system comprising: (a) a generator (14) of pressure, adapted to generate a flow of breathing gas under pressure for delivery to the respiratory tract of the subject, the pressure generator comprises: (1) an inlet (40) adapted to receive the breathing gas in the pressure generator and (2) an outlet (42) adapted to the breathing gas flow output pressure from the generator pressure (b) in-line element (16) adapted to communicate with the pressure generator and the breathing circuit (12), wherein the inline element comprises : (1) an outlet port (50) connected with the inlet port of the pressure generator (2) an intake port (52) connected to the outlet of the pressure generator (3) to port (54) of the breathing circuit connected to the breathing circuit and (4) the duct (60) which places the port of the breathing circuit in fluid communication with the outlet port in-line element and the inlet port inline element (c) a first valve (18) adapted to selectively control flow through the channel between the port respiratory loop stream and an outlet port member (d) a second valve (20) which is mechanically separate and discrete from the first valve and configured to selectively control the flow through the duct between the inlet port and in-line element respiratory port Yelnia circuit and (e) a processor (24) adapted to selectively control the first valve and the second valve to operate in (i) a first mode in which the gas flows from the inlet port to the port element stream breathing circuit, thus creating a positive giving1. Система генерирования двунаправленного потока газа, причем система содержит:(a) генератор (14) давления, выполненный с возможностью генерирования потока дыхательного газа под давлением для доставки в дыхательные пути субъекта, генератор давления содержит:(1) впускное отверстие (40), выполненное с возможностью приема дыхательного газа в генератор давления и(2) выпускное отверстие (42), выполненное с возмо