478,548. Hand - operated multipletoothed clippers. HOLT. C. Feb. 3, 1937, No. 3177. [Class 131] In a clipper for hedges, grass, &c. a movable blade 6 pivoted at 8 to a cutting plate 2 having a number of rigid projecting blades 3, has a concave cutting edge 7 coacting with the straight or concave edges of the rigid blades so as to trap twigs &c. between the moving and fixed blades during the reciprocating cutting action. Instead of being concave, the cutting edges may be of other hollow angular formation, e.g. V-shaped. The movable blade is actuated by a handle 13 acting through a slotted bell-crank lever 12 and a pin 17 on an extension 18 of the blade. Both edges of the rigid blades and of the moving blade may bo ground. The blades 3 are radial with respect to the pivot 8. The fixed and moving blades are maintained in close contact by a headed pin 19 on the blade 6 passing through a guide slot 20 in the plate 2. This slot may be so shaped and located that, with a movable pivot, a slicing action is imparted to the moving blade. Both edges of the moving blade may be concave. The handle 13 may be an integral part of the movable blade.