An apparatus for use in tissue removal from a body organ is presented. The apparatus comprises a hand-held probe device, a rotating motor device and a connection assembly configured for removably interconnecting between the hand-held probe device and the rotating motor device. The hand-held probe device is disposable and comprises a housing having proximal and distal ends, a rotatable cutting tool extending distally from the distal end of the housing and being configured for cutting and removing tissue during rotation, and a transmission assembly passing inside the housing between the proximal and distal ends and being configured for transmitting rotational power to the rotatable cutting tool. The connection assembly is configured for engaging between the rotating motor device and the transmission assembly to thereby controllably rotate the cutting tool and remove tissue. In some embodiments, the apparatus includes a control unit for controlling operation of the apparatus, the control unit comprises an activation mechanism for activating the rotatable cutting tool, and a controller configured for operating the activation mechanism to generate a single fixed activation signal of a known intensity and duration during a predetermined time interval, thereby restricting operation of the cutting tool during the time interval to the single activation signal only.El aparato comprende un dispositivo de sonda manual, un dispositivo de motor giratorio y un conjunto de conexión configurado para interconectarse de manera desmontable entre el dispositivo de sonda manual y el dispositivo de motor giratorio. El dispositivo de sonda manual es desechable y comprende un alojamiento que tiene extremos proximal y distal, una herramienta de corte giratoria que se extiende distalmente desde el extremo distal del alojamiento y que está configurada para cortar y extraer tejido durante la rotación, y un conjunto de transmisión que pasa dentro del alojamiento entre los extremos proximal y dis