A System Controlled, Driven by or Based on One or Both of Electrophysiological Signals in a Human Body or Digital Audio Files Using Electromagnetic Fields and Method Thereof
An electrical system controlled, driven by and/or based on one or both of naturally occurring electrophysiological signals in a patient’s body and/or digital audio files is used to produce electromagnetic fields to treat a neuropathic disorder of a patient.一種藉由及/或依據患者身體中自然產生之電生理訊號及/或數位語音檔案之一或兩者以控制、驅動之電子系統,其係用以產生電磁場以治療一患者之神經性疾病10‧‧‧系統11‧‧‧電流源12‧‧‧電流源15‧‧‧場產生器20‧‧‧放大器85‧‧‧支持結構86a‧‧‧導線86b‧‧‧導線87a‧‧‧導線87b‧‧‧導線88‧‧‧軌道89‧‧‧軌道90‧‧‧支桿106‧‧‧受試者142‧‧‧感測器142a‧‧‧感測器142b‧‧‧感測器