Problem to be solved: to provide a cosmetic composition or a food and drink composition containing a substance that is very sensitive to skin and hair and feeling of use, such as moisturizing effect, whitening effect, and improvement of comb comb hair when external or internal use is applied to skin and hair.The composition of the composition or the composition of the composition of the composition or the composition of the food composition or the composition of the composition of the composition or the composition of the food and drink used to give the skin or hair to the skin or hair, and to improve the moisturizing effect, the whitening effect, and the comb comb of the hair.No selection【課題】外用又は内用したときに皮膚や頭髪に張りやツヤを与え、保湿効果、美白効果、毛髪の櫛通りの改善等、皮膚や頭髪への感触や使用感が非常に良好となる物質を含有する化粧料組成物又は飲食品組成物を提供。【解決手段】糖類又は糖類抽出物を、更には酒類醸造粕又は酒類醸造粕抽出物を併用して、皮膚や頭髪に張りやツヤを与え、保湿効果、美白効果、毛髪の櫛通りを改善する化粧料組成物組成物又は飲食品組成物。【選択図】なし