Государственное научное учреждение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт охотничьего хозяйства и звероводства имени профессора Б.М. Житкова Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук (RU)
Скуматов Дмитрий Валентинович (RU)
1. Accounting animals in their tracks in the snow by a multi-day wage (salary re) performed on selected areas credential consisting of a closed salary account where the internal circuit is formed salary external contours of salary that provides a complete single pass of all the contour area salary account to return to the beginning of the route, characterized in that the whole area of accounting in the form close to an equilateral triangle consists of four closed salary in the form close to an equilateral treugolnikam.2. Accounting for the animals in their tracks in the snow by a multi-day wage (salary re), wherein the sample area credentials shape close to equilateral triangles, as in claim 1. Plan and treated with a GPS navigator, the main part of first bypass account square outer perimeter either the entire outer contour and then the inner salary to return to the top marshruta.3. Accounting for the animals in their tracks in the snow by a multi-day wage (salary re), wherein the sample area credentials shape close to equilateral triangles as in claim 2. That is used to account for elk and other animals is carried out at selected areas with a long side of the triangle from 1.6 km to 2.1 km, and treated for at least three days consecutively or through den.4. Accounting for the animals in their tracks in the snow by a multi-day wage (salary re), wherein the sample area credentials shape close to equilateral triangles as in claim 2. That is used to account for elk and other animals is carried out at selected areas with a long side of the triangle from 2.1 km to 2.4 km, and treated with a minimum of four days1. Учет животных по их следам на снегу методом многодневного оклада (повторного оклада), выполняемый на выборочных учетных площадях, состоящих из замкнутых учетных окладов, где контур внутреннего оклада формируют контуры внешних окладов, что обеспечивает полное однократное прохождение контура всех окладов учетной площади с возвращением к началу маршрута, отличающ