Демьянов Михаил Федорович (RU),Валиев Шаукат Махмутович (RU)
The technical solution relates to the equipment for disinfection of air at various sites both medical and general use. Device for disinfection of air comprises a chamber 1 in which made the input 2 and output 3 openings, which may be provided with filtering elements. Axis holes 2 and 3 are disposed perpendicularly with respect to each other (perhaps arrangement of apertures and with a different arrangement of their axes, e.g., incoming and outgoing openings may be formed on opposite sides of the chamber, then the axes of the holes will be placed parallel to each other). In the chamber 1 at the location of the inlet openings 2 a fan 4 to generate air flow disinfected. The chamber is also mounted electromagnetic radiation sources wave UV range, made of, for example, in the form of germicidal lamps 5 which are electrically connected to the power source 6. The source 6 of the electric power classical electronic ballast EPRU applied for startup and power may be applied discharge lamp (light source) for various forms of transport. To control the device placed in the chamber control unit 7 connected to the remote control operator (conventionally not shown) for controlling and monitoring the operation of the device. To eliminate the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the elements of the device installed in the chamber 1 reflecting walls 8, which isolate the power supply 6, the control unit 7 from the radiation quartz lamps 5. Ill.2Техническое решение относится к оборудованию для дезинфекции воздуха на различных объектах как медицинского, так и общего пользования. Устройство для дезинфекции воздуха содержит камеру 1, в которой выполнены входные 2 и выходные 3 отверстия, которые могут быть снабжены фильтрующими элементами. Оси отверстий 2 и 3 размещены перпендикулярно относительно друг друга (возможно размещение отверстий и с другим расположением их осей, например, входящие и выходящие отверстия могут быть выполнены с противоположных сторон камеры, тогда оси отверстий будут