Холопов Владимир Николаевич (RU),Невзоров Виктор Николаевич (RU),Голубев Игорь Владимирович (RU),Самойлов Владимир Александрович (RU)
The invention relates to a device for the collection of forest products - namely, pine nuts. A utility model allows to intensify pine nuts production process and improve its quality.Otryahivatel includes an arrow at the end of which is fastened through suspension vibrator provided with hydraulic grips comprising a rodless pneumatic cylinder double-acting piston of which is in the form of inertial mass. Each air cylinder of the first piston cavity pneumatic lines connected to corresponding pneumatic line four-way two-position pneumatic distributor with a pneumatic control, and the second pneumatic line is connected to a respective control chamber of the pneumatic distributor, the third pneumatic line which is connected with the atmosphere, and the fourth - with two-line-off valves. The fourth pneumatic line connected to a two-line of the pneumatic air system vlyuchaet compressor, a pressure regulator, relief valve and receiver. In the first four-way position of the first piston chamber of the pneumatic air cylinder is connected to atmosphere and a second piston cavity coupled via the set to the first position bilinear way valve with the air system. In the second position of the same pneumatic distributor first piston chamber of the pneumatic cylinder is connected through mounted in the first position bilinear way valve with the air system and the second piston chamber - with the atmosphere, with the second position line Alternate pneumatic distributor are open, the piston being connected with the air cylinder rolling bearings, and a pressure regulator made manageable. 1 NRM f-ly, ZP 2 f ly-2-yl.Полезная модель относится к устройствам для сбора продуктов лесного хозяйства, а именно - кедрового ореха. Полезная модель позволяет интенсифицировать процесс добычи кедровых орехов и улучшить его качество.Отряхиватель, включает в себя стрелу, на конце которой через подвеску закреплен вибратор, снабженный гидрозахватом, включающий в себя бесштоковый пневмоцилиндр двухстороннег