FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, perinatology, neurology, rehabilitation, therapeutic exercises, can be used for creation of independent motor function, their improvement from immobility to walking in child (P) under age of three years. Wherein neuromuscular dynamic memory (NDM) of motion models of P are created. For that at first center of each palmar surface of P is affected perpendicular to it with subsequent spiral massage from center of each hand of P counterclockwise, then at center of each plantar surface is affected perpendicular to it with subsequent spiral massage from center to periphery of sole counterclockwise. Then NDM of models of lifting head, holding, turns of head, lifting head in position on all fours, holding equilibrium from position of P standing on all fours, model establishing P in position on all fours, models of holding balance in position on all fours, balance and movements in position on all fours, crawling on all fours, models of sitting, head position coordination, standing on two legs, balancing and walking from initial position and with help of sequences of movements, described in formula are formed. Rhythm of action is gradually increased, achieving maximum to middle of each cycle of motion and gradually decreasing to its end exposure is 1–2 times a day.EFFECT: method provides improving motor functions, while widening range of independently made actions, creation of NDM sequence of models of smooth transitions of essential motions at simultaneous reduction of length of rehabilitation in 2 times.1 cl, 17 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, перинатологии, неврологии, реабилитации, лечебной физической культуре, может быть использовано для создания самостоятельных двигательных функций, их совершенствования от неподвижности до ходьбы у ребенка (Р) в возрасте до трех лет. При этом создают нейромышечную динамическую память (НМП) моделей движения Р. Для этого вначале воздействуют на центр каждой ладон