A sperm injector for artificial insemination of a pig according to the present invention has a structure in which a blocking membrane is formed at a tip of a vagina insertion member, so that a tip of a through hole of the vagina insertion member is closed when the vagina insertion member is inserted into the vagina of a pig by the medium of an injection tube while the tip of the through hole of the vagina insertion member is opened when a deep tube passes through the through hole of the vagina insertion member by means of the injection tube. Therefore, the sperm injector of the present invention can prevent the tip of the deep tube reaching a cervical canal from becoming contaminated with contaminants such as various bacteria that are generated inside the vagina of the pig, thereby increasing a conception rate or preventing mutations and infectious diseases beforehand.Un injecteur de sperme pour linsémination artificielle dun porc selon la présente invention a une structure dans laquelle une membrane de blocage est formée au niveau dune pointe dun élément dinsertion vaginal, de telle sorte quune pointe dun trou traversant de lélément dinsertion vaginal est fermée lorsque lélément dinsertion vaginal est inséré dans le vagin dun porc par le support dun tube dinjection tandis que la pointe du trou traversant de lélément dinsertion vaginal est ouverte lorsquun tube profond passe à travers le trou traversant de lélément dinsertion vaginal au moyen du tube dinjection. Par conséquent, linjecteur de sperme de la présente invention peut empêcher la pointe du tube profond atteignant un canal cervical dêtre contaminée par des contaminants tels que diverses bactéries qui sont générées à lintérieur du vagin du porc, ce qui permet daugmenter un taux de conception ou dempêcher des mutations et des maladies infectieuses au préalable.본 발명의 돼지 인공수정 정액주입기는, 주입관을 매개로 질삽입구가 돼지의 질내부로 삽입시 통공의 선단이 폐쇄되고 반대로 주입관을 매개로 심부관이 질삽입구의 통공을 통과시 개방되도록 질삽입구의 선단에 차단막을 형성한 구조이기 때문에 돼지의 질내부에서 생성되는 박테리아나 각