The object I am about to present is meant for patients that need bed rest for a short or long period of time, for example: neurological cases with different types of paralysis, patients after surgery for pelvic fractures, broken legs or spinal damage, badly injured patients from the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit, patients after general anesthesia, rachianaesthesia for different types of surgery that come with a need for bed rest. This type of multifunctional hospital bed "Doctor Ivanoff model seems to be unique. The description of the object: the object we are presenting is made of two parts: part B, which is a multifunctional hospital bed "Doctor Ivanoff model, and part C, which is comprised of interconnected elements: the toilet (20), the grinding and pumping machine "Sanipompa" model (26), the bedpan (9) with the distal end of the flexible hose in the toilet. Thus the patient will not have to open and shut the metallic toilet lid. These interconnected elements are mounted on a wooden board and set in place by screws. Part C is the invention. It is linked to part B and thus the multifunctional hospital bed "Doctor Ivanoff model is formed. The heating unit is used to rise the temperature around the bed, when it drops below 20 degrees Celsius. The heating unit is mounted on the wooden board as well, near the other elements.Lobjet de linvention est destiné à des patients qui nécessitent un repos au lit pendant une courte période ou une longue période de temps, par exemple : des cas neurologiques avec différents types de paralysie, des patients après une chirurgie pour des fractures pelviennes, des jambes cassées ou des lésions de la moelle épinière, des patients grièvement blessés de lunité danesthésie et de soins intensifs, des patients après anesthésie générale, rachianesthésie pour différents types de chirurgie qui ont besoin dun repos au lit. Ce type de modèle " Docteur Ivanoff " de lit dhôpital multifonctionnel semble être unique. Lobjet est constitué de de