The present invention relates to a method for preparing an Allium hookeri food supplement. According to the present invention, the Allium hookeri food supplement is prepared by mixing Allium hookeri powder, unpolished rice powder, and an Allium hookeri concentrate having abundant components which is beneficial to a human body and has an anticancer effect, a skin aging prevention effect, thrombolysis activity, an atopy prevention effect, a weight loss effect, a hypertension and diabetes care effect, a cathartic effect, an increase in energy, and the like. Therefore, everyone can naturally and easily take the Allium hookeri food supplement (added to rice, soup, stew, or the like, or taking with tea) to contribute to the promotion of public health.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 항암효과는 물론 피부노화방지, 혈전 용해작용, 아토피 예방, 다이어트, 고혈압, 당뇨치료, 배변촉진 및 정력증강 등 인체에 이로운 성분이 풍부한 삼채농축액과 삼채분제, 현미분제를 혼합하여 삼채식품 영양제를 만들어 남녀노소 누구나 손쉽고 자연스럽게 복용(밥, 국, 찌개 등에 첨가 또는 차로복용)할 수 있도록 하여 국민건강증진에 기여 하고자 삼채식품 영양제를 제조하는 방법에 관한 것이다.