Spinal Filler The present invention offers two designs of a spinal filler, both including a catheter and a catheter holder to secure the catheter, there is a guide pin inside the catheter, and the guide pin is fixed to the pin holder A sealed or vented feeding pouch made of flexible, non-metallic, biocompatible and absorbent materials is placed at the end of the catheter. The characteristic of both designs is that an external thimble is placed on the outside of the catheter, the outer thimble being attached to the outer thimble holder, a detachable structure connects the outer thimble holder to the catheter holder, a tapered outer thimble reducing cone at the open end of said outer thimble is connected to a smaller diameter outer thimble, or to an inner convex plate of the external thimble; said catheter has a reducing cone corresponding to the outer thimble reducing cone in the outer thimble reducing cone or the inner convex plate of the outer thimble, and the catheter reducing cone is connected to a smaller diameter catheter; said feeding pouch is placed in the catheter through its open end between the outer thimble and the catheter and fixed firmly to the outer wall of the catheter by the outer thimble.enchimento para coluna vertebral a presente invenção oferece dois projetos de um enchimento para coluna vertebral, ambos incluindo um cateter e um suporte de cateter para fixar o cateter, há um pino guia no interior do cateter, e o pino guia é fixado no suporte de pino guia, uma bolsa de alimentação vedada ou ventilada feita de materiais não metálicos flexíveis, que sejam materiais biocompatíveis e absorventes, é colocada na extremidade do cateter, a característica dos dois projetos reside no fato de um dedal externo ser colocado no lado externo do cateter, o dedal externo sendo fixado no suporte de dedal externo, uma estrutura desmontável conecta o suporte de dedal externo ao suporte de cateter, um cone redutor do dedal externo cônico na extremidade aberta do dito