Polymeric proteins refer to polymerase chains, in which the polymerase chain can bind several antigens selected from the following groups: NGF and PGE2; NGF and TNF-alpha; NGF and IL-1beta, NGF and IL-6R; and the polymerized proteins composed of the above proteins and INM molecules. UNO membership, imaging agents, therapeutic agents and cytotoxicants; vectors and host cells; drug components including the above-mentioned proteins.
The present invention relates to engineered multivalent and multispecific binding proteins, methods of making, and specifically to their uses in the prevention, diagnosis, and/or treatment of disease.Proteína de unión que comprende cadena polipeptidica donde dicha cadena puede unir un par de antígenos seleccionados del grupo formado por NGF y PGE2; NGF y TNF-alfa; NGF y IL-1beta y NGF y il-6R; conjugado de proteína de unión que comprende la proteína antes mencionada y una molécula de inmunoadhesión, un agente para obtener imágenes, un agente terapéutico y un agente citotoxico; vector y célula huésped; composición farmacéutica que comprende la proteína antes dicha.