Белов Александр Викторович (RU),Кулябин Константин Георгиевич (RU),Сергеев Тимофей Владимирович (RU),Суворов Николай Борисович (RU)
Useful model - the device for recording fast temperature oscillations of the human body surface, its pulse wave and the electrocardio signal belongs to the field of medical technology and can be used for rapid assessment of the physiological state of a person, in particular, thermoregulation, macro- and microcirculation of blood in the human body.The device is a case with an internal microcontroller containing a microprocessor, an analog-to-digital converter, a memory card. The device is equipped with an autonomous power source, a bi-directional radio data channel driver, a signal amplifier, a pulse oximetric pulse wave sensor, an electric cardiac signal amplifier, a high-speed (with a small thermal time constant) skin temperature sensor, two controlled voltage amplification stages and a source of test pulses. The received data is transmitted to a computing device (eg, PC) via a second unit for wirelessly exchanging encoded data.The novelty of the utility model is to provide the following opportunities:- transformation of fast (0.15-10 Hz) temperature oscillations by a semiconductor miniature silicon diode sensor in a unobstructed design into an electrical signal- automatic generation of the position of the operating point of the thermometer in the middle of the output range by voltage- selection of the steepness of the conversion (Volts / ° C) when recording the temperature- Conduct a trial calibration of the temperature sensor (similar to the test signal of an electrocardiograph).Полезная модель - устройство регистрации быстрых температурных осцилляций поверхности тела человека, его пульсовой волны и электрокардиосигнала относится к сфере медицинской техники (медицины) и может использоваться для оперативной оценки физиологического состояния человека, в частности, терморегуляции, макро- и микроциркуляции крови в организме человека.Устройство представляет собой корпус с размещенным внутри микроконтроллером, содержащим микропроцессор, аналого-цифровой преобразователь