PURPOSE: refers to devices for drying agricultural products. SOLVING THE PROBLEM: simplifying the design of the device and reducing the material consumption. ESSENCE OF THE USEFUL MODEL: in the supporting device for the louvered bed of the dryer, comprising transverse beams that are supported by the side members of the dryer body and longitudinal metalThe elements, which are fixed to the transverse beams and form a grid for the louvered bed, inclined relative to the horizontal plane, are provided to fix the transverse beams to the inner surfaces of the side racks of the dryer frame at different levels so that the upper surfaces of the transverse beams lie in one plane inclined in accordance with a given angle of inclination of the grate, and the longitudinal elements are made in the form of runs, the length of which is not less than the distance between the extreme transverse beams and forming a lattice, and the girders mounted on the cross beams above.In addition to the side wall of the dryer, supports can be fixed from corner or sheet elements to fix the extreme parts of the louvered bed.Longitudinal elements can be made integral.In addition to the side wall of the run, a striped element with uniformly distributed slits can be attached.The longitudinal members may be made of a corner, and the transverse beam may be provided with additional fastening elements for fixing the position of the longitudinal members.НАЗНАЧЕНИЕ: относится к устройствам для сушки сельскохозяйственной продукции. РЕШАЕМАЯ ЗАДАЧА: упрощение конструкции устройства и снижение материалоемкости. СУЩНОСТЬ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ: в поддерживающем устройстве для жалюзийного ложа сушилки, содержащем поперечные балки, которые опираются на боковые элементы корпуса сушилки, и продольные металлические элементы, которые закреплены на поперечных балках и образуют совместно с ними решетку для жалюзийного ложа, наклоненную относительно горизонтальной плоскости, предлагается поперечные балки закрепить к внутренним п