Provided is a manufacturing method of edible refined plant pulp, with which the picked plant bodies are initially separated into fruits and other plant bodies, in which the fruits are performed with preliminary washing, dehumidifying and juicing to form a first material juice, and the plant bodies other than fruits are performed with high-pressure washing, drying or dehumidifying process, and cut into fine pieces to extract a second material juice; then, the mixture composed of the first material juice and the second material juice is placed in a high-pressure refining pot for refining to obtain a colloid; and, the colloid is rapidly frozen under low temperature into a semi-finished product, which may be stored for future use. While being used, the semi-finished product is returned to an edible product under appropriate atmospheric pressure and appropriate temperature to be used (or edible) by human body.一種可食用植物精煉漿之製法,係將採擷來之植物體初分為果實及其他植物體,其中之果實經初步淸洗、去濕、榨汁後形成第一料汁,該果實外的其他植物體則經過高壓清洗、陰乾或去濕過程後、切割成細塊再提煉出第二料汁,進而將該第一料汁及第二料之合成的混合液置放於一高壓精煉鍋內進行精煉,使得呈膠質體,而後以低溫速凍該膠質體成為半成品,並加以儲存備用,待使用時,再以適當大氣壓力與適當溫度將該半成品還原成可供人體使用(或食用)之一食用品者。