Currently, undisclosed substances refer to the use of an L AMP; IACUTE; Haploides inductive respiratory system (both established and established) and the modification of L AMP; IACUTE; HAPLOIA to encode cellular machines capable of editing genes. L AMP; IACUTE; the transformed Haploides inductive respiratory system is used as a parental relationship between the two layers. During pollination and amperometry, Oacute; N, a combination of parents into an embryo and amperometry; Oacute; N, and Edici Amp machines; Oacute; N, G Amp; Eacute; Nica Tambi Amp; Eacute; N, which manages embryos and amperometry; Oacute; N, currently. Loss of a set of parent-child chromosomes during embryonic developmentAnd Edith and Amber's machines, Oacute, N AMP, EACUTE, NICA, operate the remaining chromosomes. As Amp; IACUTE;At least one happy offspring with edited cross-genes will be produced.<;p>;LA MATERIA ACTUALMENTE DESVELADA SE REFIERE A USAR UNA LÍ;NEA INDUCTORA DE HAPLOIDES (TANTO EXISTENTE COMO CREADA) Y TRANSFORMAR LA LÍ;NEA HAPLOIDE DE MANERA QUE CODIFIQUE LA MAQUINARIA CELULAR CAPAZ DE EDITAR GENES. LA LÍ;NEA INDUCTORA DE HAPLOIDES TRANSFORMADA SE USA COMO PROGENITOR EN UN CRUZAMIENTO ENTRE DOS PLANTAS. DURANTE LA POLINIZACIÓ;N, LOS GAMETOS PARENTALES SE FUSIONAN PARA FORMAR UN EMBRIÓ;N; Y LA MAQUINARIA DE EDICIÓ;N GÉ;NICA TAMBIÉ;N SE ADMINISTRA AL EMBRIÓ;N EN ESTE MOMENTO. DURANTE EL DESARROLLO EMBRIONARIO, SE PIERDE UN CONJUNTO DE CROMOSOMAS PARENTALES, Y LA MAQUINARIA DE EDICIÓ;N GÉ;NICA OPERA EN EL CONJUNTO RESTANTE DE CROMOSOMAS. ASÍ;, SE PRODUCE AL MENOS UNA PROGENIE HAPLOIDE CON GENES EDITADOS DEL CRUZAMIENTO.<;/p>;