The patent is a kind of film structure which has heat shielding function by cutting off near infrared ray and has high visible light transmittance to enhance PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) for plants. The film structure is composed of (1) high visible light transmission layer (2) high tensile strength and solar shielding layer (3) hydrophilic light diffusion layer. By designing the film structure, the film not only has high PAR and heat insulation but also can control humidity and sunlight distribution therefore, increased the greenhouse cooling performance of daytime and nighttime greatly improved thermal insulation. In other words, the films can be used in the field of modern greenhouse and is beneficial to increasing the yields and quality of the crops.本專利為一種隔絕近紅外線與具有高可見光穿透的塑膠膜結構,可提升植物所需的光合有效輻射率並具有隔熱效果,由具(1)高可見光透光之外層(2)高抗拉力之陽光隔熱中間層(3)親水性之光擴散內層所組成,藉由各膜層結構的設計,使本膜材具有高強度的陽光透過量與隔熱性能、調整濕度、與控制光分佈量等功能,可以達到日間隔熱、夜間保溫的功效,維持良好的作物生長環境,提升作物的產量與品質。30‧‧‧陽光調節高透光塑膠膜結構31‧‧‧親水性光擴散層32‧‧‧高抗拉力陽光隔熱中間層33‧‧‧高可見光透光層34‧‧‧奈米陶瓷隔熱粒子