This creation is a plant root hair collection device, which includes at least one hair collection member. The hair collection member includes a board body and two water-absorbing layers. At least one water-absorbing layer is connected to the board body. It is placed above the hair-collecting part, so that the root of the plant penetrates the hair-collecting part downwards. The hair on the root will grow on the water-absorbing layer due to water hydration. Therefore, when the user wants to harvest, After the creative cutting and separation, first remove the thicker thick roots and their hairs from the water-absorbing layer and the board, and then immerse a small part of the hairs remaining on the water-absorbing layer in water to separate them, and then filter. Harvesting by sieving and other methods, this creation is convenient for harvesting and can achieve better recovery.本創作係一種植物根部鬚毛收集裝置,其包含至少一鬚毛收集件,鬚毛收集件包含有一板體及兩吸水層,至少一吸水層與板體相連接,使用時,該等植物擺放於鬚毛收集件的上方,使植物的根部向下貫穿鬚毛收集件,根部上的鬚毛會因為趨水性而生長於吸水層上,因此當使用者欲採收時,將植物與本創作切割分離後,先將較粗的粗根及其上的鬚毛自吸水層及板體上取下,接著將殘留於吸水層上的少部分鬚毛浸泡於水中使其分離,再透過濾篩等方式採收,本創作藉此方便採收且可達到較佳之採收率。