A skin care indicator turntable structure with menstrual cycle, the inner disc is marked according to the menstrual cycle: menstrual period, postmenstrual period, premenstrual period, three stages, and the chassis is marked with 31 radiation scales, each scale represents one day, a total of It is 31 days. The upper inner disc can be rotated, the number of hormones in the menstrual cycle, the outer circle has 28 radiation scales, and there are 3 arrows pointing to the date corresponding to the chassis: the first arrow points to the date corresponding to the first day of menstruation, female During the menstrual period (menstrual pahase) from the first day to the seventh day. The second arrow points to the corresponding date on the 7th day of menstruation. The estrogen high peak period after menstruation is the estrogen estrogen (estrogen) will continue to rise day by day from the 8th to the 14th day of menstruation. At the end of the pre-ovulation period, the peak is reached for 7 days. The third arrow, pointing to the corresponding date on the 14th day of menstruation, begins to enter the luteal phase from the 15th day after the start of menstruation until the next menstrual period; the upper inner disc, according to different stages of hormones, secretes different hormones, used in key days Maintenance instructions for related ingredients, the control device uses the dial to compare the date, the menstrual cycle hormone secretion cycle, internal and external complementary multiplication, to achieve balance, regularity, so that the skin is natural and healthy, and enhance the superiority and economic benefits of skin care.一種具月經週期的肌膚保養指示轉盤結構,該內盤上標示依照月經週期分:月經中、月經後、月經前、三階段標示,及底盤上標示有31格放射刻度,每一刻度代表一天,共為31天。上部內盤,可以旋轉動,為月經週期荷爾蒙分泌天數,外圈有28個放射刻度,及有3個箭頭,指向底盤對應的日期:第一個箭頭指向月經來的第一天對應的日期,女性月經期間(menstrual pahase)第1天到到第7天。第二個箭頭指向月經起始的第7天的對應日期,月經後的雌激素高鋒期,是月經開始起第8天~第14天女性荷爾蒙雌激素(estrogen)會逐日的持續上升,一直到排卵前期末時,達到最高峰,為期7天。第三個箭頭,指向月經起第14天的對應日期,月經開始起的第15天起開始進入黃體期,直到下次月經來;上部內盤,依照荷爾蒙不同階段,分泌不同荷