Standing support for the "Pinocchio" refers to the means necessary for supporting the correct vertical position of the child with poor muscle tone, for the development of his body control skills, to carry with him on the intellectual development of employment. Prop for standing, it includes a base with means for fastening the child shoe extending therefrom upwardly vertical elements provided with means of fastening a childs body in the hip and the thoracic levels in the form of belts. At knee connects the vertical elements of the cross member mounted movably along the vertical elements provided with kolenouporami having movable in horizontal cross member holes. On the vertical elements mounted countertop. The vertical elements are formed as sidewalls with armrests and connecting them to the back wall. Armrests installed on the sides, with the possibility of height regulation. In front of the side walls has openings through which the transverse member is moved vertically and back and forth along the sidewalls. The rear wall is provided with a backboard mounted to be movable vertically and headrest. The rear wall is movably mounted abductor. Armrests mounted on the sidewalls with the countertop cutout on the side facing the backrest. The support allows you to place the child with the fixation of his torso on all four sides. Installing the backboard with head holders allows you to give your child the correct symmetrical correcting posture and develop the skills of correct posture for walking training. The design allows to enhance the gradual correction of extension contractures in knee joints.Опора для стояния «Буратино» относится к средствам для поддерживания нужного правильного вертикального положения ребенка со слабым тонусом мышц, для развития у него навыков контроля положения тела, для проведения с ним занятий по интеллектуальному развитию. Опора для стояния, включает основание со средством для крепления обуви ребенка, отходящих от него вверх вертикальных элементо