FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, specifically to ophthalmology. For the surgical treatment of patients with proliferative vitreoretinopathy in diabetes mellitus, vitreous quartectomy is performed, including the installation of an irrigation port, a port for the illuminator and a port for vitreoretinal tools, removal of the vitreous body (VB), isolation of the posterior hyaloid membrane using perfluororganic compound (PFOC), dissection of traction contacts of the posterior hyaloid membrane with the retina and its subsequent excision, removal of PFOC, vitreal cavity tamponade. 10–14 days before vitreous quartectomy, a single intravitreal administration of ranibizumab is performed at a dose of 0.5 mg. Vitrectomy with synechiae removal is performed using a bimanual technique with the installation of an additional fourth port for the endolighter. After removal of PFOC from the vitreal cavity, the internal boundary membrane (IBM) is contrasted, and peeling of IBM is performed. If necessary, conduct diathermal and/or endolaser coagulation of bleeding retinal vessels. Vitreal cavity tamponade is performed with an air-gas mixture C2F6 at a concentration of 16 %.EFFECT: method ensures the achievement of a higher and stable morphofunctional result on the posterior segment of the eyeball in the postoperative period, in particular on the middle periphery and in the central zone of the retina, in one stage of vitrectomy with synechiae removal it prevents intra- and postoperative hemorrhagic complications.1 cl, 1 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. Для хирургического лечения пациентов с пролиферативной витреоретинопатией при сахарном диабете проводят витреошвартэктомию, включающую установку порта для ирригации, порта для осветителя и порта для витреоретинальных инструментов, удаление стекловидного тела (СТ), выделение задней гиалоидной мембраны с использованием перфторорганического соединения (ПФОС), рассечение тракционных