This Hair Ming Lesson Questions:Mention for a Seed not Theory wear author how Changeization appearance Potential, all can Sui Time Victoria hold With Overcast lip Inner walls meet Touch Like states, the Overcast lip Inter cottons Pads that And can avoid leakage or Off is fallen. The bright Xie Decision means of this Hair:1 Let of Overcast Chun Inter Mian Pads are equipped with Qi Zhong Xin Shaft directions of From along one of the Zhong Xin Shaft Two Side Edge extensions domains Right Tapes Like District, at least there are the low portions Bend songs Gang 2 containing Side Edge District domain As tools Prepare in the domains what The Tapes Like District, and root According The Overcast Chun Inter Mian Pads 1, not Theory wear author appearance Potential how Changeization all can Sui Time Victoria hold With Overcast lip Inner walls connect Touch Like states, And can avoid leakage or Off is fallen.本發明之課題:提供一種不論穿著者如何變化姿勢,都可隨時維持與陰唇內壁之接觸狀態,並可迴避漏出或脫落的陰唇間棉墊。本發明之解決手段:陰唇間棉墊1,設置有從其中心軸朝向沿著中心軸兩側緣延伸之一對帶狀區域,於該帶狀區域中之至少含有側緣的區域為具備有低彎曲剛性部2,而根據該陰唇間棉墊1,不論穿著者之姿勢如何變化,皆可隨時維持與陰唇內壁之接觸狀態,並可迴避漏出或脫落。