The present invention relates to a keyboard, especially to a numeric keyboard with 9 rectangle grids aligned thereon. The 9 rectangle grids of the keyboard are divided into cross alignments and edges. The keys on the cross alignments and the keys on the edges have stay at a different plane. As a result, the keys at different planes can be used by the blind to memorize and recognize corresponding numbers, so that the blind may be able to key in numbers in a more accurate and swifter manner to promote key-in efficacy.本發明係有關於一種輸入鍵盤,尤指一種運用九宮格排列的鍵盤上,特別指一種數字輸入鍵盤,其主要將按鍵以九宮格排列的鍵盤區分出十字排列區及四邊角的各端角區,讓十字排列區的按鍵與各端角區的按鍵具有高低落差的區別性;藉以,不同高度設置的按鍵來記憶區分出所對應的數字,能讓操作者在無須目視的狀態下,正確且快速輸入,達到提升輸入效率的功效,進而能輔助盲人辨識的功能,為具有多重效益的創新發明者。(1)‧‧‧鍵盤(11)‧‧‧十字排列區(12)‧‧‧端角區(A)‧‧‧按鍵